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  /    /  Flower stands  /  Iris media - 881
881 Fioriera Iris TP19 Rosso Rubino

Iris media - 881

SKU: 881 Category:


Tessil TP19 RossoRubino

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    previa visione dell’INFORMATIVA PRIVACY autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati da parte vostra.


    Vertical planter made in Italy by ANTIGA.
    Elegant, resistant to atmospheric agents and easily washable, ideal for public places such as ice cream parlors, bars, cafes, restaurants and hotels, designed as a decorative element to delimit or divide spaces.
    The Iris planter also acts as a high table, it can carry a 70x70cm interlocking top.
    ANTIGA guarantees all its products up to 24 months against any manufacturing defect!


    Length 70cm
    Width 70cm
    Height 82cm

    Weight: 11,10kg