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  /    /  Armchairs  /  Udo - 329
329 Armchair Udo NeroAntico22 + TP11 Dama

Udo - 329

SKU: 329 Category:


Nero Antico 22

Covering Fabric

Dama TP11


Bianco Pietra 41

Covering Fabric

Creta TP69


Crema Caffè 52

Covering Fabric

Terramare TP66

All our products are customizable! Visit our MATERIALS section and choose the most suitable colour for your premises.


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    UDO armchair by ANTIGA is a alluminium product worked in Italy.
    The simple and elegant design constitutes the originality of this armchair that is light, comfortable and pratical as stackable: it can be stored in small spaces and equipped with padded replaceable seat for outdoor use.
    Suitable for all types of outdoor and indoor furniture of Hotels, Bars, Restaurants and Ice-cream shops.
    ANTIGA guarantees all its products up to 24 months against any production defect!


    Length 58cm
    Width 56cm
    Height 82cm
    Seat height 47cm

    Weight: 4.10kg / 4.60kg with upholstered seat for outdoor